Fire Extiguisher Sales and Installation
A portable fire extinguisher is your first line of defense against fire and perhaps the most important part of your fire safety program. However, it is not enough to simply have a fire extinguisher. It is required that your fire extinguisher is properly mounted, inspected and tagged by a certified company and undergo regular inspection and maintenance.
A-1 Fire Control sells many different types of fire extinguishers including:
Standard ABC Fire Extinguishers
CO2 (Class C) Fire Extinguishers
Halotron/Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers
Dry Powder (Class D) Fire Extinguishers
Automatic Fire Extinguishers
Wheeled Fire Extinguishers
Class K Fire Extinguishers for fires in the kitchen involving cooking oil, grease or fats
We also provide critical services for your fire extinguisher including:
Design & Installation
Design & Installation
Semi-Annual and Annual Inspection
Hydro-Static Testing
Six-Year Teardown
Fire Extinguisher Audit System
We offer fire extinguisher cabinets and accessories including:
Surface Mounted, Semi-Recessed and Recessed Fire Extinguisher Cabinets
Vinyl, Rigid, and 3-D Fire Extinguisher Location Signs
Fire safety starts with you and your company. That is why we offer comprehensive fire extinguisher training (mandated by OSHA). Our training program includes:
Indoor Classroom Training
Video Demonstration & Reading Materials
Hands-on Training at your Location
2 Hour Class offered during the day or at night
Contact us today and one of our technicians will perform a free evaluation of your facility to determine the risks you face and help devise a fire protection program best suited to your needs.